Sunday, May 8, 2016

A Treasure I Found Yesterday

Hi everyone,
As you know, I have not posted in a long time, but this return is very necessary. Yesterday I was at a book store in Kent, and they had a lot of vinyls. I looked around for albums by some of my favorite bands like The Doors, and I figured I would give it a shot with finding something by UFO. I didn't expect them to have anything, because most stores don't, but to my luck, I found this.....

I was so excited to find this copy of Obsession, because it is definitely in my top two(if not my favorite) UFO albums. It sounds better than ever on vinyl, and it is my first in this format by the band. To make matters even better, this 1978 copy only cost me $5.00. I can't explain how much of a steal this was, and I am definitely going to look for more records there in the future.